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Wednesday 12 December 2012

UI Automator Viewer

Android SDK provides the following tools to support automated, functional UI testing on your application:
  • uiautomatorviewer - A GUI tool to scan and analyze the UI components of an Android application.
  • uiautomator - A Java library containing APIs to create customized functional UI tests, and an execution engine to automate and run the tests.

You can use the uiautomatorviewer tool to take a snapshot of the foreground UI screen on any Android device that is connected to your development machine. The uiautomatorviewer tool provides a convenient visual interface to inspect the layout hierarchy and view the properties of the individual UI components that are displayed on the test device. Using this information, you can later create uiautomator tests with selector objects that target specific UI components to test.

Dump View Hierarchy for UI Automator

UI Automator Viewer


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